Take control of your stress

Experience relief with Roga’s non-invasive device, designed to help you manage stress effectively.

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We designed Roga
for you

To help you overcome
stress effortlessly

To help you feel more calm and relaxed.

Discover how
Roga fits into
your life

Roga in action

Use Roga anytime, anywhere.


Reclaim your time and reduce stress throughout the workday


  • Use Roga during commutes or breaks for quick stress relief and better focus.

  • Include short Roga sessions between tasks to recharge and de-stress.



Alleviate travel stress and improve sleep on the go.


  • Stay calm and relaxed during long journeys with Roga.

  • Adapt to new environments more easily with reduced anxiety and improved focus.



Ease exam stress and boost concentration


  • Incorporate Roga into your study routine to stay relaxed and focused.

  • Use Roga before exams to stay calm and focused under pressure.



Manage daily stress and find moments of calm.


  • Use Roga during chores or take short breaks to unwind throughout the day.

  • Add Roga to your bedtime routine for better sleep quality.



Reduce stress and support overall well-being


  • Incorporate Roga into your daily wellness routine for enhanced relaxation.

  • Use Roga during or after relaxation exercises for a deeper experience.


How it works

Wear Your Roga Device


Plug in your Roga device

Connect the Roga device to your mobile phone and place the pads behind your ears.


Turn on stimulation

Use the Roga app to activate gentle electric pulse stimulation and explore the library tailored to stress relief, including AI-powered and expert-recorded content.

Open Roga Stress Library
Enjoy Deep Relaxation'


Enjoy lasting relaxation

Roga addresses both mental and physical stress for deep, long-term relief. Most users see up to 85% reduction in stress with consistent use over a month.

Meet the Roga


Cutting-edge neuroscience wearable

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    Developed by neuroscientists

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    Uses electrical pulse stimulation

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    Many years of research with thousands of users

Relieve stress & improve your well-being

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    Reduce stress and burnout

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    Promote better sleep and deep relaxation

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    Enhance focus and productivity

Certified safe & non-invasive

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    Non-invasive electrical stimulation

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    Medical Device Grade Quality Production
    ISO 13485 certified

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    IEC 60601 safety certification

Portable, & stylish

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    Compact design Multiple colors

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    No charging or battery required

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    Use anytime, anywhere

Secure & Private

  • Data is encrypted and secure

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    Complete control over your data

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    No data shared without explicit consent

Trusted by experts

Supported by renowned research institutions and organizations.

WaterlooUtrustStandfordBusinessOnDeckMitacsTorontoMetroUniMidsdbOntarioBIStandfordUniMaRsCreative DestructionLatidtudeBramtonVentureZoneKiwibotCFABHI
WaterlooUtrustStandfordBusinessOnDeckMitacsTorontoMetroUniMidsdbOntarioBIStandfordUniMaRsCreative DestructionLatidtudeBramtonVentureZoneKiwibotCFABHI

Meet your new wellness guide

An AI-powered companion designed to personalize your mental health journey.

Tailor your meditation experience

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    Choose your preferred narrator voice

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    Adjust meditation duration

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    Select your favorite background music

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    Explore topics of interest

Your data, your consent, your peace of mind

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    Non-invasive technology

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    Complete control over your data

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    Secure and encrypted to protect your privacy

Try a quick session

Discover your stress level, receive a personalized meditation session, and feel relaxed.

Try it Now

Explore our content library


Access hundreds of mindfulness sessions created by leading experts in stress relief and well-being.


Start to Live a
 Stress Free Life

Join the thousands of people using Roga to manage stress, soothe burnout and feel better

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Why People Love Us


I was very hesitant to first use Roga but being that my anxiety has been so bad I was willing to try anything. To my surprise using the Roga really allowed me to be mindful about my anxiety & while using the Roga I didn't feel that shame. It really helped me relax while helping my anxiety. I wouldn't say it completely cured me from my anxiety but it has really helped me tone it down. I am also really grateful to have had the opportunity to use it


I enjoyed using my roga for 30 minute sessions in the afternoon. I typically sat by a fish tank or in my garden to enhance my experience. After using the device I would notice my ability to cope with my anxiety would be easier immediately after the sessions


Roga is very easy and comfortable to use. I can do it while reading, working, taking a walk, or getting ready in the morning. It's a nice reminder to stop and check in with my anxiety levels and center myself for the day


Anxiety has gone down to the point where I don't feel like I need to use any interventions. I have been engaging with more preventative tools


Easy and convenient. My kids thought I was listening to music


Roga has given me the only relief I've had from sudden onset panic attacks and severe anxiety. The device is easy to use, pretty discreet, and convenient - perfect for when you begin to feel overwhelmed no matter where you are


When using the device - my anxiety becomes more manageable


Thank you. I just completed the first session and I noticed a big difference... I felt suddenly really calm and was able to fall asleep for a while finally, I even noticed an effect on my stomach, like some tension was dissipating


This device has definitely reduced both anxiety severity and frequency. It has also increased my daily capacity to process trauma and engage in previously difficult or triggering activities. Using the Roga device has also helped me to establish a daily meditation/calming practice for the first time


Roga has helped me feel that there are hands-on, immediate things I can do to address anxiety


I have felt a lot more at peace since using Roga. While I seem to still feel a lot of the physical symptoms of my anxiety, my thoughts are less intrusive and less negative. I have also found myself sleeping more deeply


I wasn't really sure what to expect when I got the device. However, suffering from persistent anxiety for most of my life, I'm willing to try anything to lessen it. I've done quite a bit of meditation and mindfulness 1 work, but this reduced my anxiety noticeably over the three-week span. It was helpful enough just to take the edge off from the daily worry and agitation


First of all, let me point out that I love the device itself: it's stylish, elegant, lightweight, and easy to carry around. Roga has helped me to cope with my severe anxiety, and I am more attentive to my body. I don't panic as much as I used to when something bad is happening to my body. I know it will pass, so I'm breaking the vicious circle or making my condition worse by thinking bad thoughts. For me, Roga has been a huge help since I cannot take anti-anxiety medication or SSRI, which are usually prescribed in cases similar to mine. It also helps me to start my day refreshed, even if I had a bad sleep. It's like a new friend, who understands what you're going through and is always there for you when you need it


There is much difference. I have begun to notice greater inner peace in challenging situations that usually would have brought me outbursts of fear and anger. I have noticed a lower level of anxiety and worry about events that would normally have caused me a level of stress. I have managed to distance myself from my emotions and observe them so as not to be controlled by them. By using Roga before bed I have noticed a deeper level of sleep or better rest


I have struggled with general anxiety, as well as panic disorder/panic attacks for years. For the first time ever, when I can feel a panic attack coming, I put on my Roga device and begin a session, avoiding the panic attack episode completely. My general anxiety symptoms are also more mild after two weeks of using the device


My anxiety is a lot better. My heart rate is lower and my intrusive thoughts aren't as bad. When my anxiety does flare up it goes away faster


Overall I feel lighter, like a pressure cloud has lifted. I find I am more optimistic and happier, more open. I don't go into a work week with the same level of dread that I did before and don't have as much difficulty facing challenging situations. I've always carried a lot of stress in my neck and have found the muscles much more relaxed


This device has definitely reduced both anxiety severity and frequency. It has also increased my daily capacity to process trauma and engage in previously difficult or triggering activities. Using the Roga device has also helped me to establish a daily meditation/calming practice for the first time


I love my Roga! After 4 weeks of consistent use, I can really feel the difference in my anxiety level as well as my capacity to deal with anxiety in everyday life. I'm so used to anxiety being my default state that it's been surprising to NOT feel as anxious as I normally do, especially amid such a big life transition [moving across country]. When I wear the Roga, I can feel my heart rate slow down and it literally feels easier to breathe. After using it for a month, it's felt like the dial on my fight-or-flight response has been turned down and isn't being overused in situations where it isn't appropriate. I didn't realize how badly I needed this!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Roga Safe?

Yes! Roga is based on decades of scientific research investigating the use of non-invasive brain stimulation to reduce stress.

Roga uses an exceptionally small electric current (less than 0.5 milliamps) to gently stimulate the brain. The stimulation feels like a slight tingling sensation on the skin.

The Roga device has undergone rigorous electrical safety testing (IEC 62368). The stimulation provided is safe and effective. Less than <1% of users may experience a mild headache, dizziness, nausea, or skin irritation. If this happens, decrease the intensity level of the Roga device or turn off the device and remove the patches from the skin. Symptoms will subside quickly.  

We recommend not applying Roga to irritated or injured skin.

How does Roga Work?

Roga was designed to restore balance to your nervous system.

Roga uses a method known as non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) to deliver a gentle, rhythmic electrical pulse to the brain to train the nervous system to relax and to become more resilient to stress. The Roga device activates your parasympathetic nervous system and helps you to experience restorative sleep, giving your body and mind a chance to recover from severe stress.

Stressful things will always come our way, and we can’t control that, but we can control our reaction, how we adapt to and grow from it. Roga is here to help you do that!

Download the Roga app to learn more about the fundamentals of stress, and how to get the most benefit from using Roga.

What benefit can I expect and how soon will I feel them?

Roga users should expect less stress within two weeks of consistent daily use. The more consistent you are, the better the results.

Roga stimulation patterns are designed to facilitate natural states of relaxation. Roga pulses speak the language of the nervous system and are designed to decrease brain activity associated with severe stress, worry, and rumination.

Roga works by reducing activity within an area of the brain called the default mode network (DMN), which is responsible for worry, rumination, and stressful thoughts. With each Roga session, activity in the DMN becomes quieter leaving you more relaxed, focused, and more centered.

How do I setup the Roga device?

Please view our instructional video for an overview of the process. The device is very simple to use and easy to maintain.

How do I change the electrode pads?

In order to change the electrode pads, just pull lightly on the electrodes until they unsnap from the earhook.

Grab a fresh pair of electrodes from the electrode bag and snap them in directly to the earhooks.

You can follow this instructional video for reference.

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